1st Part
10:30 AM
Saal A1, CityCube, Berlin
A welcome to the GeoIT Navigation Talks with an overview of the Association for Geoinformatics, GeoIT and Navigation e.V. with 15th GeoIT GeoMondays, 7th GeoIT Wherecamp and 2nd GeoIT GISCO. Slides:1-Opening-Roland Wagner-GeoIT10:45 AM
Saal A1, CityCube
11:10 AM
Saal A1, CityCube
11:35 AM
Saal A1, CityCube
12:00 PM
Saal A1, CityCube
Coffee and Networking 1
Take a coffee at start your talk with interested experts!2nd Part
12:30 PM
Saal A1, CityCube
GeoIT within ICT Cluster in Berlin und Brandenburg
BerlinPartner ICT Cluster Berlin und Brandenburg12:40 PM
Saal A1, CityCube
01:00 PM
Saal A1, CityCube
How Galileo enhances Positioning in your Smartphones
Galileo, EU GNSS Agency (GSA) Slides: 7-How Galileo enhances positioning in your smartphones-Jacopo Ovarelli-GSA01:20 PM
Saal A1, CityCube
01:40 PM
Saal A1, CityCube